Botanical Garden

Batumi Botanical Garden is a must-visit attraction located in the Green Cape area of Batumi, Georgia. The garden is home to over 5,000 species of plants from around the world, including exotic subtropical and tropical flora.

The garden was established in 1912 by the prominent botanist and geographer Andrey Krasnov, who transformed the once barren land into a beautiful botanical paradise. Today, visitors can enjoy strolling along the garden's many paths and taking in the breathtaking views of the Black Sea and surrounding mountains.

In addition to its stunning natural beauty, Batumi Botanical Garden offers plenty of family fun with a children's playground, a petting zoo, and a variety of seasonal events and activities.

Whether you're a plant enthusiast or simply seeking a peaceful escape from the bustling city, Batumi Botanical Garden is a must-see attraction during your visit to Batumi.

Nearest to Botanical Garden

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